How do I mark an email unread?
To mark an email as unread, please do the following:
- Tap on the body of an email while viewing the email
- A toolbar will appear near the bottom of the screen
- Tap the button (with the white circle) on the far left of the toolbar
You can also mark and email unread directly from your Inbox. To do that, please do the following:
- Swipe across the email preview in your Inbox
- A toolbar will appear over the email preview
- Tap the button (with the white circle) on the far left of the toolbar
Why can I only see 1 attachment?
Attachments, like most fields in the app, are horizontally scrollable. If something seems chopped off or missing, try swiping across the item to scroll it.
How can I delete multiple emails?
If you tap on the Batch Operations button , at the top of your Inbox, you will be presented with the Batch Operations screen. On that screen you can 'check' emails. Then tap the Organize Button at the top right and choose 'Trash'. You can 'Select All' by tapping on the Menu button at the top and choosing 'Select All'.
Do I need to wait until all the catching up and indexing is done to move messages into folders?
No. Absolutely not. Once the initial sync has completed, you should never wait for the app. The app prioritizes its downloading based on what you are doing. If you tap on an Inbox, that Inbox that you are viewing will be downloaded before everything else. Similarly, if you tap on a half-downloaded email, the downloading of that email will be prioritized over other downloads. Also, you do not need to wait for the entire email to finish downloading before you move or delete it.
I can only see the headers when I tap on an email. Why is the body portion of the email blank?
Preside tries to hide the 'quoted' text when viewing an email. Instead it offers the prior messages in a conversation style format. Unfortunately, sometimes Preside can do this incorrectly. This usually happens with bottom quoted emails. When that occurs, you can tap on the downward pointing arrow that appears on the line at the bottom of the email that says "Message History". That should reveal the portions of the message that are not displaying.
How do I navigate between emails?
You can advance to the next email by swiping from left to right across the body of the email. You can go back to the previous email by swiping from right to left across the body of the email you are viewing.
After reading and moving a mail it goes back to the inbox and I have to open the next mail. Can't it just automatically open the next mail?
If you navigate to More > Filing and you enable the 'Advance after filing' option, the app will automatically proceed to the next mail after the current email is filed or moved to the Trash. Please also note that you can move to the next (or previous) email without filing it by swiping across the body of the email.
How can I view & send emails in 'landscape' mode?
You can enable Landscape mode on the More > Appearance screen. It is the second (or so) option down.
How can I see the HTML version of an email?
Tap on this button: HTML button
Why do I have to tap the 'HTML' button? Is there any way the app can always show me the HTML version of an email?
Yes. Please navigate to More > Appearance > Layout. On that screen, in the 'Email Details' section, you can set the 'Viewer' to "Prefer HTML".
Is it possible to block remote images when viewing html emails?
Yes. This can be set using the 'Load remote resources' option. You can get to that option by tapping the Menu button while viewing an email and choosing Layout, or you can access it from the HTML section of the More > Appearance > Layout screen. When blocking remote resources, it is generally a good idea to configure the 'Load images' button to appear somewhere in order that you can load the images on demand when you choose to do so. That button will automatically be configured to appear at the top of the email body whem the 'Load remote resources' option is set, but you might want it placed elsewhere.
It is also possible to block remote resources when replying to emails. That setting is configured within the Sending preferences screen. By default, when using the HTML composer, all images from the original email are loaded when replying to the email so make sure to set that option if this is a concern.
My emails are no longer appearing in the correct order. How can I fix this?
Please navigate to More > Behaviors. In the 'Sorting' section, please change Order By to 'Sent Time', and set the 'Reverse' switch to On. It is also advisable to set the 'Tap to sort' option to OFF. The issue might have arisen because that option was On, which makes it very easy to change the sorting through an accidental tap.
Is there a quick way to sort emails in a folder by date, name, or subject?
Yes. Please navigate to More > Behaviors and set the "Tap to Sort" option to "ON". Once that has been enabled, tapping on the Time, Subject, or Sender of the first email in your Inbox or Folder will change the sorting to be based on that field. Tapping the same item again will reverse that sorting.
That can sometimes lead to accidental changes. To prevent that, you can enable the "Confirm Change" option that appears directly below the "Tap to Sort" option in the Behaviors preferences.
What is the meaning of the red dot that sometimes appears next to the email count?
This dot appears when there are unseen emails that have arrived while you are reading your email. To see those emails and clear the dot, scroll to the top of your Inbox. The intention of this dot it to indicate that there are new emails without interrupting your workflow. Older versions of the app automatically scrolled to the top of the Inbox when new emails arrived, but that was disconcerting and interruptive. Without that automatic scrolling, newly emails could be missed by users who thought they were already viewing the top of the Inbox. As such, we added the dot.
Can I color emails in by Inbox based on their account, sender, ...?
Yes. Preside has a robust coloring rule system that can allow to configure colors based on various criteria. Use the following steps to color emails based on their account.
- Go to the Appearance preferences
- Tap on the 'Coloring Rules' line, which is the third line on that screen.
- On the next screen tap on the + button at the top right
- On the following screen, use the top two lines to assign the foreground and background color to use for the tag. It should usually be enough to change only the foreground color, but, if you'd like more distinction between tags, you can change the background color too.
- Scroll down a bit on that screen and tap the 'Account' line.
- Select the account for which you would like the rule to apply
- Tap the back button at the top left to get back to the Coloring Rules screen.
- Tap 'Save' at the top right
- Add colors for other account by tapping the + button again and repeating the previous steps
To color based on sender, follow the previous steps, but enter the sender's email address into the 'From' field insteading of selecting an account when defining the coloring rule. To color based on other criteria, enter the constraints into the various fields on the coloring rule screen.
The text in some of my emails is sometimes really big (or small). Is there a way to fix this?
Unfortunately, resizing the text for arbitrarily formatted emails is complex, and there are issues with some emails that can cause Preside to get things wrong and produce unreadable text. There are some settings that can help with this problems. Specifically, you can go to the More > Appearance > Layout screen and scroll to the HTML section. Then set the 'Reformatting' option to None. You can also try some of the other choices along with the 'Text size' setting.
Additionally, it is advisable to configure the 'Smaller font' and 'Larger font' to appear on the Mail Details screen. On the iPhone, this can be done by tapping on the 'Other buttons' line in the 'Email details' section of that same More > Appearance > Layout screen. On the iPad Dashboard, you can configure these by tapping on the Gear button near the top right and choosing 'Layout'. On the next screen, tap on the 'Mail Details buttons' line in the 'Buttons' section.
Why can I only see 1 attachment?
Attachments, like most fields in the app, are horizontally scrollable. If something seems chopped off or missing, try swiping across the item to scroll it.
How do I view an attachment?
You should see a button with the name of the attachment in the header section near the top, while viewing an email. If you don't see that line, it might be the case that you need to expand the email headers. Do that by tapping on the gray arrow to the left of the top line that shows the From and Subject information.
After the attachment button is exposed, it will show a download arrow to the left of the name if it still needs to be downloaded. Tapping on the button will download the attachment. After it is downloaded, the download arrow should disappear. The next tap on the attachment button will show the attachment.
Do I need to tap on each attachment, or can I download all of the attachments for an email at once?
Yes. You can download all of the attachments for an email at once. To do that, you would perform a 'pull-to-refresh' gesture while viewing an email. That is done by placing your finger on the screen and dragging it down. The line at the top will, at first, show an upward pointing arrow and the words, 'Pull to refresh'. As you drag down further, that arrow will flip and the text will say, 'Release to refresh'. At that point, you can raise your finger and the app will download the email, in full, including all attachments.
Can Preside automatically download attachments?
Preside will automatically download attachments for emails that it considers small enough. The determination of whether an email is small enough is dependent on whether a WiFi connection is available, the type of folder the email is in, the Attachements-Downloading setting and the Storage preference on the Syncing preferences screen.
Your best bet for getting Preside to download attachments more often is to change the "Attachments" setting in the Syncing preferences. The other option is to increase the 'Storage' setting from that same Syncing preferences screen. That will have will have some other ramifications, though.
Why do I sometimes see a blank screen when I try to view an attachment?
Some types of files are not viewable within Preside. For those files, a blank screen will be displayed. At the top of that blank screen will be a 'Share' button that can be used to open the file in another app. There will also be a 'Save' button near the top right that can be used to save the file to iCloud or another file provider.
Moving Emails
How can I 'Undo' an accidental move of an email to the Trash or another folder?
Shake your phone. That will present a prompt asking you to confirm the 'Undo'. Tapping 'OK' will procede with the undo operation.
Please note that it might take a minute or 2 to accomplish this action. It also places the email back in its position within the Inbox (or original folder) so you might need to scroll a little to find it.
It should also be noted that the 'Undo' feature of the app is recursive. Shaking the phone again will undo the prior move, and so on. You can undo every move you've made since the app was last started.
Why can't I move some emails into my Exchange folders?
Unfortunately, the Exchange ActiveSync protocol that the app uses to communicate with Exchange servers does not support the uploading of messages. As such, you cannot move an email from another account into an account on your Exchange server. For that reason, the Exchange account and any folders in that account are not shown when filing emails from other accounts.
This is also the case for batch moves when filing to specific folders. Exchange folders will not be offered when filing multiple emails from different accounts.
If your Exchange Server is configured to support IMAP, you can add the account as an IMAP account and have full functionality. You will probably need to contact your Exchange Server administrator to find out the IMAP settings in that case. You can read more about the advantages of IMAP over Exchange ActiveSync in this other answer
If you're using a modern Exchange server, you can connect to that server with the EWS protocol. That is the now the default protocol used by Preside when connecting to Exchange servers. You can read more about the advantages of EWS in this other answer.
How do I add a new folder while filing an email?
Sometimes when filing, you might discover that you need to create a new folder in which to file the email. To do that, tap on the "More ..." option from the initial action sheet. That will bring you to the main Folder Suggestions screen. From there, scroll to the bottom, and you should see your email accounts listed. Tap on the account in which you would like to create the folder. The next screen will present your list of folders. At the top left of that screen is a '+' button. Tapping on the '+' will allow you to create the new folder.
That process will create the folder, but it will not simultaneously file the email. You can do that by finding the newly created folder in the list of folders that is presented after tapping Save. Or, you can go back one level to the Folder Suggestions screen. On that screen the newly created folder will be at the very top of the 'Recents' section.
When I file emails by searching, the search text remains when I try to file the next email. How do I avoid the need to manually clear that each time?
You can change this behavior by enabling the 'Clear search text' option in the 'Filing' preferences screen. With that enabled, Preside will clear out the search text after an email is filed.
Why does it show the wrong folder?
There are a few reasons why the right folder might not be shown:
- There are stray emails filed in the wrong folder. 80% of the time, this is the problem when a totally unrelated folder shows up. The best way to see 'why' a particular folder shows up is to chose the More option and then tap the Refresh button at the top right. That will result in several more 'Suggestions' appearing. Under each suggestion will be some terms that influenced the suggestion. If you see any that are wildly out of place, you can go to your desktop and correct the mis-filed emails.
- There is not enough information within the folder to relate it to the email. Most of the time this will occur as a result of the Days-to-sync option on the account (or folder) being set to a very low number. It can also occur due to the 64 email 'Historical Limit' in the folder settings. Lets say I have a Folder called 'Preside_Users', where I file all of my emails from John Doe. Let's also say that I delete and reinstall the app. When eMailganizer trains itself on the 'EmailGanizer_Users' folder it will only take the last 64 emails received. If there were no emails from John Doe within that last 64, then Preside won't know how to file the next one you send me. Once I file that one, however, the next one you send me should show the right folder. It should be noted that Preside will continue to learn as you file emails, even if you have chosen a very low Historical Limit and/or Days-to-sync
- The suggestions for the current email were cached before newly learned data has been retrieved. An example of this is if a thread of emails are retrieved at the same time. The suggestions for all of those emails will be calculated before any of the emails are filed. This surpresses Preside's normal processing which favors folders that a member of the thread has already been moved into. We will someday have a fix for this issue. Until then, tapping on More and then the Refresh button at the top right will ignore the cache and recalculate the folder suggestions.
Is there anything else I can do to get the right folder to show up more often?
One other thing you can do is to go to the More > Filing and set the number of Suggestions to 5. It is also helpful to set the 'Recents' to 1. This will show more folders in the action sheet, and increase the chances of showing the right one.
Do you support client-side rules/filters?
No. If the app is working properly and your folders are organized in a consistent fashion, rules should not be needed. The app should be able to show you the 'right' folder almost all of the time.
As for rules that work on emails before they are read, these are best off done on the server where they can be set up once and affect every single device and email program. Most modern email providers provide a way of doing this through a 'Rules' or 'Filters' section of the webmail interface.
What settings do you recommend for someone that uses server-side filtering?
Preside contains 2 mechanisms that help deal with folders that are used as part of server-side filtering. The mechanism that will help most with this is dependent on how the folder is used.
If your server-side filtering moves emails into folders that are treated as inputs only, changing the folder type to List will be very useful. 'List' folders are, for the most part, treated like additional Inboxes. They are show on the Inboxes screen and they should generally not be left to collect old emails for reference.
If your server-side filtering moves emails into folders that are used as both a recipient of new emails as well as a reference archive of older emails, then the 'smart folder' called 'Unread folders' can be very useful. Turning that feature on will show any folder with unread emails in your Inboxes tab. Once you've read all of the emails in that folder it will be remove from the Inboxes tab and treated as a reference folder.
What settings do you recommend for someone who files all or most of their email into a single-folder?
Preside has various options that quickly allow you to file emails into a single folder. To make use of those options, you would first change the 'Folder Type' of that folder to a 'Repository'. To do that:
- Navigate to the folder on the Folders screen
- Tap on the Menu button

- Choose Settings
- On the next screen change the 'Folder Type' to 'Repository'
- Tap Save
In most cases, you will want a repository folder for each of your accounts. Once you've made those changes, tapping on the Repository button or executing the "Archive" meta action will move emails into that folder.
Next, you'll want to configure that Repository button to appear at the top of the screen and for swipes:
On the iPhone:
- Go to the More screen
- Tap on the Appearance line
- Tap on the Layout line
- Tap on the 'Top buttons' line in the 'Email details' section
- Check the "Repository' option
- Go back to the "Layout" screen
- Tap the 'Swipe buttons' line in the 'Email list' section
- Check the 'Repository' option
On the iPad:
- Tap the Settings button at the top right
- Tap on the Layout line
- Enable the Show Tags option in the Email Details section
Next, you'll want to add the ability to move an email into that folder with a swipe gesture:
- Go to the Behaviors preferences
- Scroll down to the 'Gestures' section
- Tap on the 'Swipe right' line
- Tap on 'Archive'
If you use 'Force touch', you might also want to add a 'Peek' action that moves the email into the Repository folder:
- Go to the Behaviors preferences
- Scroll to the 'Force touch' section
- Enable the 'Peek' option
- Tap on the 'Peek actions'line
- Check the 'Repository' option
How can I quickly file emails into a specific folder?
There are two options for doing that. The easiest one is to setup the folder as a 'Favorite' and then setup the 'Move actions sheet' to include favorites. Here's how to set that up:
- Navigate to the folder from the Folders screen.
- Tap the Menu button

- Choose "Settings ..."
- Enable the 'Favorite' option
- Tap Save
- Navigate to the More > Filing screen
- Tap on Favorites
- Set Favorites to 1 or more
After making that change, the favorited folder will appear in the action sheet after you tap the Organize button to file an email.
The other way to quickly file emails into a specific folder is to setup a 'Meta-action' to do exactly that. Here's how that is accomplished:
- Navigate to More > Advanced > Meta actions
- Tap the Add button

- Enter a name for the meta action
- Tap on the sub-actions section
- Tap the Add button

- Tap on the 'Command' line and select 'Move'
- Tap on the 'Item' line and select 'Original'
- Tap on the 'Folder' line and select a folder
- Tap the back button at the top left
- Tap the back button (again) at the top left
- Tap Save
After the meta-action has been created, you can setup a gesture to invoke that action by navigating to the More > Behaviors screen and tapping on one of the gestures in the 'Gestures' section and select your new meta action. You could also configure the 'Meta actions' button to appear while viewing mail, and use that to invoke your new meta action. You can learn more about how to configure buttons at this answer.
Does Preside have a spam filter?
No. That sort of thing is best off done on the server where all of your email software can be affected by a single filter. Beyond that, it's not generally possible for an email client to do proper spam filtering, as that requires scale that doesn't work for a single email user. To work effectively, client-side spam filtering would need to make use of a spam filtering service. That would have privacy issues, be cost prohibitive, and generally not provide much benefit beyond the filtering being performed by your email provider.
Ultimately, in you should not be receiving much spam, which is defined as emails that cannot be legitimately unsubscribed from. Most email providers do a very good job of spam filtering, and most big corporations make use of high-grade enterprise spam filtering services. If you are receiving a lot of spam, it might be a natural assumption is that this is something that still affects email users to the extent that it did 15 years ago, but that assumption would be incorrect. For example, at GoodHumans, we have had public email addresses (like on the internet for the past 20 years, and we only receive a handful of spam emails per week.
Anyway, the first place to address spam issues is at your email provider. Use their web interfance to make sure that your spam filter is configured correctly. If you're certain you've got things setup to the extent possible on their site, and you're still receiving tons of spam,
then you might consider switching email providers.
Can I mark emails as spam/junk?
In the current version of the app, there is no simple, single-button way to do this, but we will add something in a future update. Until then, for IMAP accounts, there is a work-around using Meta Actions.
Unlike spam filtering, marking emails as Junk or Not-Junk can actually help your email provider to improve their spam filtering. In general, though, a single user marking emails won't have much affect. It is the aggregate of lots of users marking similar emails that provides the algorithms with the data they need to effectively filter spam. In other words, your ability to mark an emails as spam within the app won't have much affect on whether similar emails are recognized as spam in the future.
Still, we recognize that the ability to mark emails as Junk or Not-Junk not only feels good, but it is a worthwhile feature that can help improve spam filtering. To that end, we will add the ability to mark emails as Junk into a future update. Unfortunately, that will only work fully for Exchange/Outlook/Office accounts. The problem with IMAP accounts is that there is no agreed upon standard for marking an email as Junk or Non-Junk. Different providers use different mechanisms. If you're using email software that allows you to mark an email as spam, but that email software is not from your provider and the software isn't using a built-in filter, then actions that software is taking in response to marking an email as Junk might not be having any actual affect on the spam filtering at your email provider.
That said, for some IMAP accounts, marking an email with the '$Junk' flag and/or moving it into a 'Spam' folder will help your provider to recognize the email as junk and use that information in its learning algorithms. Given that, when we do implement this feature, that is what we will do for IMAP accounts. For now, this can be accomplished through the use of Meta-Actions, using the following procedure:
- Navigate to More > Advanced > Meta actions
- Tap the Add button

- Enter a name (like 'Junk') for the meta action
- Tap on the Sub-actions line
- Tap the Add button

- Tap on the 'Command' line and select 'Tag'
- Tap on the 'Item' line and select 'Original'
- Tap on the 'Tags' link
- Select the '$Junk' tag. If it does not exist, then your email provider might use a different flag, moving the email into the spam folder might be enough, or it might use a completely different action. Try looking for other tags that might mean something similar and use them. Also, go manually tag an email with the '$Junk' tag and that should cause it to show up in this place. For more information about tagging emails, please refer to this section of the FAQs
- Tap the top back button
- Tap the Add button

- Tap on the 'Command' line and select 'Move'
- Tap on the 'Item' line and select 'Original'
- Tap on the 'Folder' line and select 'Junk' in the 'Special folders' section
- Tap the back button at the top left
- Tap the back button (again) at the top left
- Tap Save
After the meta-action has been created, you can setup a gesture to invoke that action by navigating to the More > Behaviors screen and tapping on one of the gestures in the 'Gestures' section and select your new meta action. You could also configure the Meta actions button to appear while viewing mail, and use that to invoke this action. If the button route is chosen, make sure to go to the 'More > Appearance >' Layout > Email actions' screen and enable the new meta action so that it appears in the menu when the Meta actions button is invoked.
Lastly, to setup the ability to mark an email as NotJunk, you would use the same procedure except the tag would be '$NotJunk' (in the 9th step) and you would move the email into the Inbox folder (in the 14th step)
What about marketing emails? Can they be filtered?
While 'spam' is defined as emails that cannot be unsubscribed from, people sometimes use the term 'spam' when they are referring to legitimate, legal marketing emails. The best approach for marketing emails is to use the unsubscribe links they contain. Preside does allow you to configure an Unsubscribe button that can be used to quickly unsubscribe from most emails that allow for it. You can learn more about how to configure buttons at this answer.
Those legitimate marketing emails often do contain headers and/or other information that would allow them to be filtered into smart folders or searched upon. We might try to incorporate something to make use of that information in a future update to the app.
Why are some emails not being found?
Preside only searches the emails it has downloaded to your device. Only the most recent emails are downloaded for each of your folders, so if you're looking for older emails in large folders, they might not appear in the search results. If you need for Preside to search through all of your emails, including the older ones, you can go to the Syncing preferences and set the Storage option to 'Unlimited'. On modern devices, it is safe to ignore the warnings that issues, but please note the app will use quite a bit of space on your device with that setting.
How do I search only on the Subject?
Subjects are treated like other fielded searches in the app. To search for text that appears in the subject, you can do the following after navigating to the Search screen.
- Tap on Emails in the search bar near the top
- Tap on the Filters button on the right
- Scroll down to the Subject line and tap on it
- Enter the text you would like to search for
- Tap the back button to go back to the Search screen
- Preside should now be showing only emails with that text in the subject.
Why aren't my searches showing up on the History section?
Tap the Return key (labeled Search) on the keyboard to perform a full search for the text you have enterred. Among other things, that wil add that search to your Search History.
How do I search for senders or other recipients?
The easiest way to search for senders and recipients is to tap on People in the bar at the top of the search screen. Then enter text into the search box. That will show the people who's names or email addresses match the entered text.
How do I search only in a specific folder?
Like most other searches, this is done from the Search screen. Once there, do the following:
- Tap on Emails in the search bar near the top
- Tap on the Filters button on the top right
- Tap on the Folders line in the 'Folders & Accounts' section
- Select the folders you would like to search within
- Tap the back button to go back to the Search screen
Preside should now be showing only emails with in that folder that match the text you've entered into the search box at the top
How do I exclude Trashed emails from searches?
This is done using the Folder Types constraint while searching. After navigating to the Search screen, do the following:
- Tap on Emails in the search bar near the top
- Tap on the Filters button on the top right
- Tap on the Folder Types line in the 'Folders & Accounts' section
- Check all of the types except 'Trash'
- Tap the back button to go back to the Search screen
Preside should now be showing only emails that are NOT in the Trash that match the text you've entered into the search box at the top
Can I save a search?
Yes. Tap the Return key (labeled Search) on the keyboard the search will automatically saved to your search history. Additionally, you can then go on from the Search Results screen to also save that search as a 'Smart Folder':
- Tap on the Menu button
near the top left
- Choose 'Settings'
- On the next screen, enter a Name for the smart folder
- Tap Save
That search will then appear with the rest of your Smart Folders on the Inboxes screen and/or other places they've been configured to appear.
What search operators and syntax does Preside support?
The easiest way to perform advanced searches is to tap on the Filters button and make use of the user interface. For very advanced searches, though, it is helpful to make use of the various search operators. Please note that case is important for these operators. Using upper or lowercase that does not match the case listed below won't work.
Operator | Description |
"" | Find only emails that contain the exact phrase. |
NOT | Find only email that do NOT contain the keyword. NOT has a higher precedence than OR and AND |
AND | Matching items must contain both of the keywords. This is the default. As such it is often not necessary to include the AND. AND has a higher precedence than OR, but lower than NOT. |
OR | Find items that contain any of the specified keywords. It has the lowest precedence of AND, OR, and NOT. |
subject: | Finds items that contain the keyword within the subject of the email |
sender: | Finds emails wherein the keyword matches the senders name or email address |
from: | Does the same thing as 'sender' (but with less typing) |
tos: | Finds emails wherein the keyword matches a name or email address the email was sent to |
ccs: | Finds emails wherein the keyword matches a name or email address Cc'd on the email |
bccs: | Finds emails wherein the keyword matches a name or email address Bcc'd on the email |
categories: | Finds emails where the keyword matches the given tag |
tags: | Does the same thing as 'categories' (but with less typing) |
- "email app"
- email OR app
- NOT app
- email NOT app
- subject:preside
- subject:preside OR subject:eMailGanizer
- sender:rich
- sender:rich OR ccs:goodhumans OR sender:goodhumans
- categories:jobs
- categories:jobs NOT categories:completed
Does Preside support email-alerts/notifications?
Yes. Preside does support alerts/notifications when new emails arrive. That said, for maximum productivity, we recommend NOT using email alerts.
Why do you recommend against using notifications for email?
Multiple studies have shown that interruptions and/or multi-tasking are not conducive to productivity. Humans aren't very good at context-switching, and we suffer when things like alerts draw our attention away from the task at hand. At Preside, we believe that you're best off processing emails in batches, multiple times throughout the day. Receiving an email alert when you cannot do anything about it (like when interacting with a cashier, or in a meeting, ...) only serves to distract you from your primary task at the moment. In general, if a message requires your immediate attention, email is NOT the right medium. The sender should have called or texted you.
That said, due to historical reasons and the ubiquity of email, it is often used for messages that need an immediate response. We do understand that some people, often in sales, need to be notified about and respond to incoming emails immediately. As such, Preside offers robust support for email alerts & background syncing.
I need email alerts. How do I enable notifications in Preside?
To enable email alerts, please navigate to the More screen. Then, tap on the Syncing & notifications line. On the next screen, tap on the top line that says, "Background syncing" and read through the various options. After selecting one of the background syncing mechanisms, enable the "New email notification" option.
What's with the different background syncing options? Which one do I use?
Unfortunately, Apple does not allow iOS to run continously in the background in order to properly monitor your email accounts in the same way that desktop email clients perform that function. As such, apps are left with other, non-optimal options for implementing this functionality. The most effective of those options has severe privacy concerns, while the least effective option can result in delayed notifications. Preside provides the user with the ability to make this tradeoff and decide which mechanism is right for him or her.
That said, "Assisted iOS Fetch" is a good option for most users
I'm OK without email alerts, but I still want the app icon badge to show the number of unread emails. How do I do that?
There are two parts to getting this working. First, you'll need to select a Background Sync option as described in the prior question. After you've done that, go to the More > Appearance screen and enable the 'Application Icon' option in the 'Unread Emails' section. After you've completed those two steps, the number of unread emails should appear on the Preside icon and it should remain generally up to date.
I've enabled notifications, but they're not working. How do I fix this?
If you never receive any notifications when new emails arrive, here are some things you can try:
- Go to the Status screen and check the status text displayed near the top of the screen. That should say either, "Up to date" or "Catching up". If you leave the app running, with a WiFi connection on the Status screen for a while, the app should eventually achieve the "Up to date" status. If that doesn't occur then there is some other syncing problem going on. Please send us an email to so we can help get that problem resolved.
- If the app is able to achieve the "Up to date" status, but it is still not issueing notifications, please to the More > Syncing & notifications screen. On that screen, please try disabling and then re-enabling the "New email notification" option. If that shows an Apple alert asking for permission to send notifications, tap OK.
- Another thing you can do is run the iOS Settings app. In that app, tap on Notifications and then find Preside in the list of apps. Tapp on Preside and verify that "Allow notifications" and everything else is enabled.
Another thing you can do is to run the iOS Settings app. In that app, tap on 'General' and then 'Background App Refresh'. On that screen, find 'Preside' and make sure it is enabled.
Notifications are working, but they take too long. What can I do?
When using "iOS Fetch" or "Assisted iOS Fetch" as the background sync type, Preside has only a limited amount of time to check for new emails and issue the notifications. If that doesn't happen with the allotted time, the notification won't be issued until the next time iOS decides to wake Preside. To help avoid that, the first thing you can do is to use "Assisted iOS Fetch" instead of the "iOS Fetch". That will help Preside to check emails more often. Another thing that will help is to only monitor a limited number of folders. By default, Preside will monitor only your Inboxes, but, if you add notification rules and/or change per-folder settings, then more folders can be checked. As such, try removing those rules and/or turning off the monitoring for some of your less important Inboxes by navigating to the Inbox and tapping on the Menu button , choosing settings, and changing the "Background syncing Network" to 'Never'. One more thing that can help a lot is to keep your Inboxes clean. The app can check an Inbox with 50 emails a LOT faster than it can check an Inbox with 5,000 emails.
Unfortunately, with the fetch background sync types, there will always be some delay. For near-instant notifications, you'll need to use one of the remote background sync types.
I receive text notifications when new emails arrive, but no sound ever plays. How do I fix this?
If you're receiving notifications without sounds, the first thing to check is the 'Silent' key on your device. Preside respects that hardware setting, and it won't play sounds if the device is in silent mode.
Another thing to try is choose a notification sound from the top section of the sound choices. For unknown reasons, sometimes those alternate options don't play. We'll continue to investigate why this occurs, and get this fixed in a future update. Until then, if you're having troubles, try a sound from the top section.
Other apps provide near instant notifications, why are Preside's notifications delayed?
Almost all of iOS email apps that offer provide the email alerts feature do so by using their own servers to monitor your email accounts. That involves storing your account credentials on their own servers and it provides them with full access to all of the emails in your account. For the most part, they don't inform users of this outside of the legalese included in their privacy statements.
Another thing you can do is to run the iOS settings app. Then, tap Notifications and find Preside and tap on it. Verify that "Sounds" (and everything else) is enabled.